An introduction to the moving average

Posted in Forex
Introduction to Moving Average

Explore the strategic power of moving averages in financial analysis: Unveiling advanced techniques for informed decision-making.

What is moving average?

Moving Average sample chart
Moving average chart

Setting the MA period

Suggested period for day trading

Suggested period for swing trading

Set the MA period of the J. Granville Rules

Changing the moving average period

MT4 (Meta Trader4)

Meta Trader 4, access to Moving Average
MT4 - Access to moving average analysis
Moving average technical analysis on Meta Trader 4
Moving average technical analysis using MT4

MT5 (MetaTrader5)

Meta Trader 5 screenshot for choosing Moving Average Technical Analysis
MetaTrader 5 screen for choosing Moving Average Technical Analysis
MT5 screen for Moving Average
MT 5 screen for moving average

Tips for setting the moving average period

Frequently asked questions

What is the moving average (MA)?